Horse down

Started by Ashy, August 31, 2022, 07:11:05 PM

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Apparently a horse dropped dead during the Notting Hill Carnival, his name was Sandown and he will be given a post mortem to determine the cause of death unlike a lot of people, but there we are. If you see any information on the cause of death please post it here because I got electrocution in the sweep.


Probably too bloody hot for the poor thing.


Possibly heat stroke or extreme dehydration, but it wasn't all that hot and I assume that mounted police water their horses. Poor thing, not much of a life.


Poor horse, as others have said it wasn't boiling hot, I would rule out dehydration I think, my cousin was a mounted policeman in the 1950's he loved his horse and looked after it well. I hope they will find out the cause of his death. 

Sorry but that horrible carnival is no place to take an animal even a trained police horse, a tank maybe, it's always trouble, people are stabbed and die, it's out of hand,  the locals have to board everything up, just dreadful, I wouldn't go within 100 miles of it.


Horses originally came from far hotter countries than ours. however we must await the vet's opinion. They might find some natural defect which was just waiting to happen, poisoning - that's possible, electrocution through the hooves is possible and is often misunderstood by riders, sadly.