
Started by Raven, December 15, 2021, 02:29:09 PM

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Did I pick you up wrong yesterday? I got the impression that you'd hidden this forum away from the Public Eye. If so I was wondering why there's a guest on board? I saw I had company yesterday for a while too.

[automatically pruned due to age]


It isn't hidden but it isn't indexed by google etc. yet although it will be at some point I supposed because I haven't blocked that. It probably won't rank very highly anyway as it's just what is called a subdomain of which goes nowhere - all my personal bits are either hidden or not publicised at all.

The guest is likely me when I'm not logged in. I swap between the admin account and klondike so I can be sure what a normal user will see and get as options. It could also be some bot or other there are hundreds of them.


plus i invited a.n. other onto the forum, and possibly that person had a look and decided not to sign on just yet...