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Started by klondike, January 30, 2025, 11:23:58 AM

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I find this rather sad

I live 60 miles away from Harefield and there are a whole bunch of these signs on railings and posts I walk past and have been for some time.

Somebody has lost this little chap or he was stolen and must be really missed for them to go to the expense they must have to pay to get these signs put up presumably all over the place.

Has anybody seen these or similar signs where they live?


Quote from: klondike on January 30, 2025, 11:23:58 AMI find this rather sad

I live 60 miles away from Harefield and there are a whole bunch of these signs on railings and posts I walk past and have been for some time.

Somebody has lost this little chap or he was stolen and must be really missed for them to go to the expense they must have to pay to get these signs put up presumably all over the place.

Has anybody seen these or similar signs where they live?
It's a dog, not a piglet!

In all seriousness, I must admit that I would be as sad and unhappy as I have ever been if our two cats (or even one of them) suddenly didn't return home one day.
Looking at the 60 mile distances mentioned, I wonder whether this dog has been stolen.  Sadly, the world is full of such criminally-minded people.
Numquam credere Gallicum


They could have been here when he went missing I suppose but I wondered if they had blanketed a lot of places with the poster. It does say stolen but how would they know?

I searched and found a Facebook Group on Piglet.

Plus another picture that to me suggests missing rather than stolen.

It seems that the owner is sending posters to people on Facebook to put up and Piglet has likely been AWOL best part of a year at least.


Aaww, it is sad. 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


That's really sad, its the not knowing that's the worst part


There was a similar thing going on on my local Nextdoor forum a year or so ago. Someone had lost her cat and was posting about that at least once a week for months. 

Common sense for most people dictates that a lost pet missing for more than a week or so usually won't be coming back although of course there is always an outside chance. I feel sorry for people putting themselves through hell because they are unable to accept that.

I hope Piglet turns up and is reunited with his owner but realistically I think the chances are vanishingly low.


I've read stories of cats finding their way home one and two years after going missing.  I'd never give up hope.


I'd agree there is more hope with cats.


Quote from: Alex on January 30, 2025, 05:38:27 PMThat's really sad, its the not knowing that's the worst part

Yes, I agree. 
I don't think I would cope very well without mine.  In fact,  I know I wouldn't.

BTW,  if anybody you know did ever lose their dog,  make sure they inform local Vet's,  Rescues, the Police, the Micro-Chip company,  and a place called 'Dog Lost'. 
Dog Lost  will help you with everything, including posters.

Michael Rolls

how sad - heart bleeds for them
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


A pet going missing must be the worse thing to bear..
On our Nextdoor site people are posting about missing pets all the time..
Many turn up .. even after weeks of being lost..
I think cats are more resourceful than dogs.. And many will feed a cat..
A poor little dog is never sure what to do and most will run from strangers..
Also there are some nasty people out there..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


A missing dog like piglet is going to be sold on if caught by the unscrupulous. I'm not sure what the implications are with the chip that is mentioned.


Quote from: klondike on January 31, 2025, 09:29:17 AMA missing dog like piglet is going to be sold on if caught by the unscrupulous. I'm not sure what the implications are with the chip that is mentioned.

I have heard cases where the unscrupulous have ways of digging the microchip out.   
Presumabley they must have a hand scanner to check exactly where it is,  as chips have been known to 'migrate'  occasionally.

Some of the less informed, may just sell a dog on anyway,  chip or no chip. 
This is why it is so important to keep any changes,  (like new address),  up to date on the register.

I read a very sad story a while back,  where an escaped dog got run over and killed.
Council workers came to remove the body,  but the twits never checked whether the animal had a chip or not.
So the poor frantic woman who's animal it was,  spent months advertising, and still searching for her dog because they don't have to check chips on a dead body, so she was never notified.   
How absolutely ridiculous.  Poor woman.


Quote from: Alex on January 30, 2025, 05:38:27 PMThat's really sad, its the not knowing that's the worst part

it is 🙁