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Started by Michael Rolls, September 07, 2024, 07:10:24 AM

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Quote from: Michael Rolls on September 09, 2024, 09:09:15 AMHe came in for a lot adverse criticism in the comments on the BBC sports page, but I think much of it undeserved. Today - weather allowing - may be a case of chickens coming home to roost for England unless someone does a Bob Willis Headingley 1981!

BBC what can you expect today, from a tired bunch of fast failing opinion. He (Hull) is only twenty years old and he's that valuable and rare asset today, a 'leftie'. The best average in Test History over 100 wickets total belongs at just 20.53 for 186 Test wickets to Alan Davidson the truly great Aussie, bowling all rounder. I saw him live in 1961, in three Tests and he was so enjoyable to watch, a true master of his art.

Well done England for picking young Josh. He'll get better as experience sets in, definitely one for the future, I believe.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...

Michael Rolls

I thought that he really looked promising, although to be fair it is difficult to judge from highlights where almost every delivery either takes a wicket or gets hit to the boundary
Oh, and no Willis reincarnation, sadly.
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
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