Ignorance is bliss..

Started by Scrumpy, August 19, 2024, 09:44:19 AM

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Quote from: Scrumpy on August 19, 2024, 09:44:19 AMI read most of the threads on here..
I am not too clever when it comes to world politics.. So I understand little of what I read here and in the media..

I guess you could say that I am one of the lucky ones..
I just go about my business in my own little world.. I enjoy family 'Do's'..
and meeting up for a coffee with my mates.. Chatting to people about the price of Spam.. and of course, the weather..
I look forward to popping down to Devon.. and sleeping over at my daughters..
Of late I find my own bed more comfortable .. and being solely in charge of the remote control and bed times..
My old banger will see me through.. I don't need a flash motor.. I still arrive at my destination .. she will never get nicked..
My garden gives me pleasure..
Whoever is running this country will continue to do so, with or without my vote..
 Let the young of today work out the problems of tomorrow.. I have done my bit..

Yes... Ignorance is bliss..


Well said Scrumpy! I think you're cleverer than you believe you are. 😉  

I think I'm lucky too, I love being retired, money goes in the bank every month without doing a stroke of work!  I try to keep a positive mindset, I enjoy spending time with the teenage grandchildren, I hope their future is bright.  We spent last weekend at our son's, barbecue, walks with their dogs, really relaxing.

Our car is knocking on too, but it's low mileage, we have a good local mechanic who looks after it, so I don't think we'll replace it.  Contentment is my comfortable state of mind.  My OH is far more interested in the state of the world than I am now, I know there's little I can do to change anything.  I took my youngest granddaughter out shopping earlier this week, I was at the casino last night for a meal with the ladies from the gym, and I'm going out for coffee and some retail therapy later with a good friend.  Enjoy it whilst we can, we don't know what's ahead. 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


Aren't grandchildren delightful..!! 
My lovely Hattie when asked if she would take Nanny back in her car answered.
' No.. I want to drive faster and have a ciggie'  :grin: :grin: :grin:
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]