GP's vote for industrial action

Started by Mups, August 01, 2024, 09:49:00 PM

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Quote from: Diasi on August 02, 2024, 08:20:42 AM:upvote: :grin:

August 02, 2024, 08:28:09 AMThe core causes of the UK's current financial & social problems are all down to illegal immigration, & no, I won't legitimise it by calling it irregular, because the accommodation & living expenses cost per illegal immigrant, as at December 2023, is £677.39 per week.

These illegal also swamp the NHS & all the other agencies, sucking 100s of £millions per year from their budgets.

They're also the reason we need to build a house every two minutes just to keep pace with them.
The Conservatives, over all these years have done nothing to stop or even deter illegal immigration other than talk about their Rwanda plan which, of course, never amounted to anything beyond words.
Labour are even worse, in that they are determined to attract even more illegal crossings into our country, though I can't understand exactly how that is going to help them, and certainly not us.

This constant intake of people who will not only cost us millions, but is also very likely to import muslim terrorists, and could lead to the destruction of the country.  To add to this, both Bliar and May decimated the experienced members of our police forces (now 'services' of course), as if they had both planned for a physical take-over of our country by these third-world people.

The only solution in my opinion would be to deter the invaders by offering them nothing, absolutely nothing if they come illegally.  If we were to create a mass immigration of, say, France or Germany, would they hand us more money and other benefits than we could dream about?

The other activity we could undertake would be to deport them to any of several offshore islands owned by this country and provide them with nothing, even food, other than their own rubber dinghies.  If they are so keen on sailing this way, they would quickly learn that they would only survive if they attempted to make their own way to another country which might support them.
An alternative would be for them to admit to their nation of origin, so that we could simply deport them there.
I suspect that the vast majority of them would opt for the latter alternative.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Somewhere I read that in the UK most immigrants are registered, i.e. only an insignificant number of "illegal immigrants" seems to be left. 
However, since Brexit the number of immigrants increased considerably, although you were told that when you control your immigration the number of immigrants will be reduced considerably. 
Please, don't misunderstand me or be angry with me - but I really have problems in understanding this.
We, too, have too many immigrants, but our legislation asks us to help those people  whose life is endangered. 


Most of the migrants are young men who destroy all evidence of their origins. I doubt many are in danger but we may well be by allowing them in completely unchecked.


I believe Brexit was good for this country, but and it's a big BUT I didn't anticipate that we would swap Polish plumbers for African freeloaders.   Did anyone see this coming ? 

I still hold Angela Merkel responsible for the chaos that now exists in Europe.


Blair and Bush's war on Iraq was what kicked most of the turmoil and resulting migrations.


Merkel invited them in to Europe Wir shaffen das !  well we didn't did we  ?

Maybe I'm thick but how did the war in Iraq from 2003 onwards affect African migration to Europe now  ?


Isis grew from the residual loons in Iraq, and has been a nuisance all over the place, including Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and (along with its lunatic chums in Boko Haram) other African countries.  Naturally, some people really don't want to live in that kind of environment, ...



That war destabilised the Islamic world. Saddam Hussein was a tyrant and certainly had no truck with any fundamentalism. Any hint of bother and they got the chop. The maps may show countries but a lot of the world is warring tribes whose borders don't tally with any map.


Quote from: dextrous63 on August 19, 2024, 08:12:38 AMIsis grew from the residual loons in Iraq, and has been a nuisance all over the place, including Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and (along with its lunatic chums in Boko Haram) other African countries.  Naturally, some people really don't want to live in that kind of environment, ...

They really would be better going to other Muslim, non Isis countries. :cool: 



Exactly, but if their religion is their 'whole being' as they claim, one would think they'd be surrounding themselves with fellow Muslims, not the heathens of UK  :cool:


Quite possible they are not wanted there either. 🤷


The Palestinians certainly don't seem to be wanted anywhere. The rest? No Idea.