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Started by Silver Tabby, June 07, 2024, 09:09:33 PM

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Silver Tabby

It has been an odd sort of day. I checked the forecast and it said sunshine, so I set off for a walk. Should have known better - half a mile from home the weather goblins unzipped the clouds and emptied them all over me. By the time I reached home I was soaked to the skin.

Hot shower and change of clothes - went in search of tea and toast - found ants in the kitchen. Not content with the floor, they had the temerity to walk on my worktops! I did what Grandma always did - found their entry point, sprinkled it with baking powder, and asked them to move somewhere else. It worked.

They all moved into the sitting room fireplace and spent the afternoon teasing the cat. When it stopped raining and the sun came out, I went to the shop to buy more baking powder - came back to find the ants had moved out - they were all out in the garden working on their suntans. Anyway, I have surrounded the place with baking powder now, so they won't come back in, can have my tea and toast in peace now.


That's handy to know Tabby, hope they've got on their hols now - to the next road  :upvote: