Net Zero - A sceptics view

Started by klondike, April 14, 2023, 01:25:03 PM

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There are some graphics which I'm leaving out. To see the full article go to

"No Flying by 2050": Is the World Finally Waking Up to What Net Zero Really Means?

Two days ago I posted what I thought would be quite an innocuous twitter thread about the implications of the U.K. Government's target of 'Net Zero' by 2050.

1. Reminder of what 'net zero' really means. This graphic from UK Govt FIRES project. Key points: all airports except Heathrow, Belfast & Glasgow to close by 2030. NO FLYING at all by 2050. No new petrol/diesel cars by 2030; by 2050 road use restricted to 60% of today's level.

— Prof Norman Fenton (@profnfenton) April 9, 2023

Specifically, I showed this graphic from the U.K. Government-funded FIRES project that summarised its recommended necessary strategy to achieve Net Zero by 2050 based only on evolutionary technological developments (the report it's from has been around since 2021 and I've even posted about it before).

Now, for clarification 'Net Zero' means total greenhouse gas emissions (including methane) must be less than their removals (such as from planting trees). The FIRES report instead focused on an absolute zero target because they recognise the absence of novel revolutionary scalable technologies for 1) capture and removal of these gases and 2) non-fossil fuel mass transportation and energy production. In other words, if you realistically want to achieve the Net Zero target by 2050 you essentially have to go for absolute zero.

My twitter thread highlighed the eye-watering points that the strategy required:

All airports in the U.K. except Heathrow, Belfast and Glasgow to close by 2030.
No flying at all by 2050.
No new petrol or diesel cars by 2030.
By 2050 road use restricted to 60% of today's level.
Food, heating and energy restricted to 60% of today's level by 2050.
Beef and lamb to be phased out by 2050.
I said that, apart from the extreme limitations on personal freedom and travel, this means either a colder, hungrier population or massive depopulation.

But it's still a surprise that it is a surprise to so many. All of this is consistent with UN/WEF Agenda 21, the UN 'World at 2050′ agenda, and the WEF Great Reset with its 'Build Back Better' in which you'll "own nothing and be happy", and eat bugs instead of meat. Of course '15 minute cities' now being pushed everywhere are key to all of this (everything that's happening now in that respect and how it fits into Agenda 21 was explained in Rosa Koire's 2011 book). As I said in 2021, the Covid lockdowns were always going to be the precursor for climate lockdowns.

Until he retired in January, Norman Fenton was Professor in Risk Information Management at Queen Mary University of London. This article first appeared on Where Are the Numbers?

Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity

Michael Rolls

it's totally, utterly crazy - and if we put up with it, we deserve it
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


If a sufficient number of people want to support these ideas, I hope they enjoy living in a new mediaeval society.
It could be quite attractive and pleasant in some ways.
On the other hand, if you are unlucky enough to contract some nasty illness...
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