The Highway Code

Started by Sheila, January 23, 2022, 09:36:37 AM

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Cyclists are now advised to ride in the middle of the lane and two abreast.

It's not as bad as the smart motorway idea (same idiot with no common sense?) but it doesn't seem safe to me.


Better idea, deal with the way cyclists dress. Riding in the middle of a lane far more dangerous if they cannot be seen.
Happy Golfer


Yes, I put a message out to parents on our local facebook page.  Every time we walk after dark, down the fairly main road at the end of our street, we see teenage boys dressed in black and with no lights riding along the road.  Some of them do wheelies or are texting. 

Imagine the upset to the parents and the motorist if they were accidentally hit.  The response was immediate with one driver saying he had nearly hit one.


We have many cyclist in this area.. Often a road is closed down our lanes because there is a cycling even going on..
I find some to be ignorant.. and having little regard for neither motorists or pedestrians.. and the speed.. They usually travel in two's and are reluctant to separate to allow a motorist to pass..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I'm all in favour of cyclists being more visible. That includes road position where safe but only if we can see them and they are travelling at a speed that doesn't impair the flow of traffic. I'm also in favour of them having mandatory insurance!
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."


Insurance isn't a bad idea but with no identification marks impossible to police.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Quote from: klondike on January 23, 2022, 12:05:48 PM
Insurance isn't a bad idea but with no identification marks impossible to police.

True - so some sort of marking system is needed.

I also think that if there's a dedicated cycle lane, especially one of the ones separated from the main carriageweay, that should be mandatory to use too.
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."


I don't drive. and I have never been on a bike in my life.  As a pedestrian I have had near misses with bloody cyclists tearing along behind me, I am not that quick they ring their little bells at me,  I would like to poke their bells where the sun don't shine, I swear at them :angry:  The people who use a bike as a form of transport to get around are OK, but its the idiots in their disgusting lycra shorts that tear around faster than cars and use the road as a race track that I hate with a passion.  God, I am a grump old woman :angry:


Jacq.. Have you heard of MAMILs?.. (Middle-Aged-Men-In-Lycra) :grin:  You might google it for a laugh. It's what the boy-bikers become after marriage and kids.. If they've not killed themselves first.. :wink:


Quote from: zoony on January 23, 2022, 07:42:39 PM
Jacq.. Have you heard of MAMILs?.. (Middle-Aged-Men-In-Lycra) :grin:  You might google it for a laugh. It's what the boy-bikers become after marriage and kids.. If they've not killed themselves first.. :wink:

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."


Thanks Zoony, had a good laugh at some of these chaps, some so fat I don't know how they manage to ride a bike at all.

Oy, love your picture just about sums them up.


I'd not heard of MAMILs before but I know one and often wonder why his wife doesn't suggest that he ditches his Lycra tights.  He's lovely but I shudder when I see them.

Good cartoon Oy.


Sheila.. I wouldn't tell him.. That is a good way to get him back for something..  :grin:
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


When I bought my bike I neglected to get the lycra kit. Now should I get some  :hmm:

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Quote from: klondike on January 24, 2022, 09:19:30 AM
When I bought my bike I neglected to get the lycra kit. Now should I get some  :hmm:

Please. please no :nooo: