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The Chat Room / Re: Jabs
Last post by Alex - Yesterday at 05:06:39 PM
I had two Astra Zenica and the third was Moderna.  I too have read about the side effects and because the jab doesn't actually prevent you from getting Covid I decided not to have a 4th.  If I get it, I get it and from what I've read, later Covid outbreaks have been milder than the original from 2020. 
The Chat Room / Re: Jabs
Last post by klondike - Yesterday at 04:52:10 PM
I'm wondering what they are supposed to do. We know they don't stop you getting it. We know they don't stop you spreading it. We know they supposedly need refreshing every year.

I've had three jabs and still caught it again after a natural infection which the 3 doses didn't prevent so it looks like colds it won't be stopped. I never had ill effects but still gave up after the first booster as I coudn't figure out what it was for and I also knew that there are a lot getting compensation for serious side effects caused by it plus it has killed some. I think I prefer to catch it every few years as it has been no worse than a cold for me so far.

My first two were AstraZenica which has now been withdrawn due to serios side effects. The third was Pfizer who withheld adverse testing results I think. All are on temproary licence as they haven't been through the necessary tests for anything else.

Not advice. It's up to people to make their own choices. I've just said what I've done and why. Others may come to a different decision.
The Chat Room / Re: A Ripping Yarn.
Last post by klondike - Yesterday at 04:39:00 PM
All fixed. It was broken in four places. They were busy with some bloke who had somehow got a lightbulb stuck up his bum so I did the job myself. Couldn't use anesthetic as I was pinning it myself but I've taken a couple of paracetamol now and I'm all good to go. Just in time for my appointment at Specsavers.
The Chat Room / Re: A Ripping Yarn.
Last post by Vlad - Yesterday at 04:28:55 PM
I am getting seriously worried about the mental capacity of some of my star players 
The Chat Room / Re: The boring thread.....
Last post by dextrous63 - Yesterday at 04:26:04 PM
Quote from: Scrumpy on Yesterday at 04:18:35 PMHope you feel better tomorrow GrannyMac..

It is chilly here.. The wind is nasty..
Is that chilly, as in cold?

Or are you having chillie, which will give you some nasty wind?
The Chat Room / Re: Jabs
Last post by Scrumpy - Yesterday at 04:25:04 PM

The only side effects that I have experienced after having a Jab is a painful arm..
I have the Flu and Covid Jab together .. I didn't like that much..
Sometimes the nurse who administers them can be a bit rough.. 
The Chat Room / Re: The boring thread.....
Last post by Scrumpy - Yesterday at 04:18:35 PM
Hope you feel better tomorrow GrannyMac..

It is chilly here.. The wind is nasty..
The Chat Room / Re: Jabs
Last post by dextrous63 - Yesterday at 04:16:46 PM
I haven't had a jab for years.  But, as you well know, I caught Covid recently.  No idea if the mild symptoms I have (fortunately) are better or worse than the side effects of having a jab🤷🏻�♂️
The Chat Room / Jabs
Last post by Scrumpy - Yesterday at 04:13:26 PM

I hear so many people saying they will not be having the Covid Jab anymore.
I must admit that since having the jabs I have felt incredibly tired.. I'm not sure if it's the Jab or not..
I shall continue to have them because it would worry me not to..
What about others..Jab or no Jab. ?
The Chat Room / Re: The boring thread.....
Last post by dextrous63 - Yesterday at 04:11:48 PM
Agreed.  Hope it's short lived GM.