The boring thread.....

Started by Scrumpy, July 18, 2023, 11:58:08 AM

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If we took notice of ALL the possible side effects of drugs, we'd never take any, it is scary but big pharma just covering their backs.   Tuck into bananas and oily fish too ! :upvote: 


Quote from: dextrous63 on April 19, 2024, 09:19:30 AMWhat the deuce Raven?  I have a few weeks of relative downtime from the forums and return to find that you've gone and touched an inverted Midas and your bones have turned to stone!!!!

I assume your new career as an Evil Kneivel tribute act has curtailed, and that you'll have to cancel the fleet of camper vans that you'd hired from Sturgeon's MIL to jump over.

Quite the opposite, they are turning brittle and it seems that's why when I fell last year my bone didn't just break it shattered, giving the surgeon a hell of a job. Doc said yes I should have been black n blue but landing on my butt should not have broken any bones.....especially that one as it's the strongest bone in the body.
As for Nicola's MIL's camper I'm more inclined to run her bloody husband over with it. The silly damn fool.  :nooo:


It's all those years in the hot sun up there in t'north.  Ordinary glass is turned into safety glass through additional heating, so that it shatters instead of snaps.  Your bones are now safety grade bones.


Been out.. Done the coffee bit.. Back home.. Raining..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Still haven't finished sorting my Acers


Hair cut today.. She doesn't need to cut my fringe.. I've done it for her..  :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Acers sorted, patio brushed, Hostas de-slugged  yuk !


I have big plans for today.. Clean the car and tidy the garden.. 
I haven't started yet.. But i will.. maybe.. after mid morning coffee..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Had the laziest 3 days ever. Not in the mood for anything.


Actually started clearing up the garden..
Very pleased with myself..
Alexa said it would rain so I moved quickly to get a lot done..
Did it rain?  ...  No.
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..



:grin: :grin:

It has been cold here.. I worked in the garden this morning.. She now looks tidy.. Well, sort of.. Good enough for me.. I couldn't wait to get back indoors..
Heating on.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I hate nights like this when I can't sleep, by 6am when I should be getting up for my swim I'll be too tired, and ready to go back to bed.  :cry:


No sunshine today and it feels cold

Michael Rolls

we've had a very slight frost for the last three days - each time gone by around 0830
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]