Man with a sword

Started by JBR, April 30, 2024, 12:12:51 PM

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Looks like a home grown problem for a change.

The first two taser firers seemed to be too far off but that policewoman made a good job of it. Well done her.


Quote from: Scrumpy on April 30, 2024, 02:02:43 PMOur police are vulnerable.. Their lives are at risk just being out there..
There is little respect for them from those wielding knives or aiming firearms..
Killing anyone today is not such a big thing by those who commit the crime..
because they know they will be protected in court by fancy lawyers..
I think there's a lot of truth in that, Scrumpy.


Quote from: Scrumpy on April 30, 2024, 02:02:43 PMKilling anyone today is not such a big thing by those who commit the crime..
because they know they will be protected in court by fancy lawyers.
Aided & abetted by gullible psychiatrists who actually believe the stupid "the voices told me do it" diminished responsibility excuses.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


Quote from: Scrumpy on May 01, 2024, 09:28:12 AM'This man will never be allowed out in society again'

Don't you believe it..
  There is every chance that he will fool the authorities .. take his medicine.. find Christ..
In time he will be 'free to roam'..

That is exactly what I believe will happen.  We seem to have acquired an apologetic penal system which prefers to look kindly on criminals in the hope that they will change.
Most of them won't.

Murder is murder: ending someone's life.  Does anyone have the right to do that?
The only solution is that if you murder someone, you in turn will be hanged and removed from the society you obviously have no respect for.
Apart from permanently removing such people from society, it will deter many from deciding go murder someone in the full knowledge that they are at the same time signing their own death warrant.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Why do the voices in their heads always tell them to kill someone vulnerable and defenceless ? 


Can't remember whether it was on here or PF recently that I posted that the first responsibility of any government is to endure the safety of its citizens.  The loss of control of immigration and there whereabouts is one clear example of how our politicians has failed.

Another is the increasing failure of law and order, and the related disregard that larger numbers have for our police and the justice system.

We can all cite examples of this, and indeed we do so.

What needs to be done is for someone to stop this pussyfooting around and therefore to get a proper grip on matters.  If this means that some human rights have to be rescinded, then so be it.  If it means that some lawyers have to retrain to take up conveyancibg instead, then so be it.

All I know is that we cannot continue with the current general direction for much longer.

May 01, 2024, 12:30:44 PM
Quote from: muddy on May 01, 2024, 12:22:55 PMWhy do the voices in their heads always tell them to kill someone vulnerable and defenceless ?
Because those with voices in their heads which tell them to be pleasant and helpful aren't problematic nor newsworthy.


Quote from: dextrous63 on May 01, 2024, 12:28:59 PMCan't remember whether it was on here or PF recently that I posted that the first responsibility of any government is to endure the safety of its citizens.  The loss of control of immigration and there whereabouts is one clear example of how our politicians has failed.

Another is the increasing failure of law and order, and the related disregard that larger numbers have for our police and the justice system.

We can all cite examples of this, and indeed we do so.

What needs to be done is for someone to stop this pussyfooting around and therefore to get a proper grip on matters.  If this means that some human rights have to be rescinded, then so be it.  If it means that some lawyers have to retrain to take up conveyancibg instead, then so be it.
I completely agree with all of those suggestions:
mass uncontrolled illegal immigration; failure of law and order because of lack of realistic punishments; lack of police capable of doing the job (i.e. not wimpy university graduates in philosophy, etc.), and instant judicial processes willing to impose stronger punishments which would deter crime.

In my humble opinion, only one political party in power could, and would, achieve these things.
No need for me to say who!
Numquam credere Gallicum


Quote from: muddy on May 01, 2024, 12:22:55 PMWhy do the voices in their heads always tell them to kill someone vulnerable and defenceless ?

Because they are not stupid enough to attack someone who might give them a going over.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


My first thought was that this will be another black person.  We haven't been given any details yet, but he actually looked white, with a possibility of being middle eastern !

Years ago most people hadn't heard of machetes, but whatever his colour there must be a way to stop swords and machetes being imported into UK.


Quote from: Alex on May 01, 2024, 02:46:37 PMMy first thought was that this will be another black person.  We haven't been given any details yet, but he actually looked white, with a possibility of being middle eastern !

Years ago most people hadn't heard of machetes, but whatever his colour there must be a way to stop swords and machetes being imported into UK.
That will never happen.  Such weapons are already here in large numbers, I am sure, and will continue to find their way here in the future.

The only way to cut crime of this sort is to impose far more severe punishments.

Some criticise Saudi Arabia for their punishments, for example: right hand removed publicly for theft; head removed publicly for murder, both done routinely every Friday in 'Chop Chop Square' in Riyadh.
Such crimes are almost unknown there for obvious reasons.

We can't do that here simply because of bleating do-gooders, who nevertheless whinge about crime being so commonplace!
Numquam credere Gallicum


It's easy to make a large blade nowadays.  Don't really see tha banning imports would really make that much of a difference, truth be told.

After all, as Tabby pointed out on PF regarding the stabbing in Wales last week, it's legal to buy blunt "training" knives, which a few minutes on an angle grinder will easily become a proper lethal weapon.

I'd much rather we didn't have to resort to draconian sentencing/punishments.  But I'd also rather people realise that it's their decision whether to avail themselves of a weapon, it's their decision to take it out and it's their decision to use it.  So, ultimately, it's their decision to take the risk of getting the related punishment.

Finally, while I've still got it in mind, I don't really buy the plea of diminished responsibility which involves someone spending time, money and effort and clear pre-meditation to acquire a sword, machete etc.


Quote from: dextrous63 on May 01, 2024, 04:57:56 PMI'd much rather we didn't have to resort to draconian sentencing/punishments.  But I'd also rather people realise that it's their decision whether to avail themselves of a weapon, it's their decision to take it out and it's their decision to use it.  So, ultimately, it's their decision to take the risk of getting the related punishment.

Finally, while I've still got it in mind, I don't really buy the plea of diminished responsibility which involves someone spending time, money and effort and clear pre-meditation to acquire a sword, machete etc.
I believe that it is exactly because we don't impose draconian sentencing and punishments that these people think nothing of availing themselves of, and using such weapons.

I too don't accept any plea of 'diminished responsibility' for those reasons.  Whenever I hear of it being mentioned by a defence lawyer I know exactly what game they're playing: no moral belief, no concern about innocence or guilt, just money.
Numquam credere Gallicum


I think we're pretty much in agreement on this JB.


So the killer is Brazilian, not a white British as the papers had been hoping for. 


Turns out he is an estate agent.