I know nuffink.. !!

Started by Scrumpy, November 25, 2023, 10:08:43 AM

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This was true in the doctors surgery on Monday.. I was there because someone phoned and said the doctor needed to see me.

 Doctor 'Hello Irene.. what can I do for you'?
Me. 'I have no idea.. you asked to see me'
She checked the screen in front of her. And decided that my liver (blood) reading was up the creak.. enzymes and stuff like that. She said she would book a Ultrasound scan for me.. She then mentioned my stage two diabetes.. and asked if I was taking my medication.. and was 'Surprised' that I did NOT have diabetes nor on medication for it..  She said  ' I think I must check through your files'
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


You should notify any beneficiaries of this. If the doctors kill you they can at least sue which should cheer you up a bit.

I was really miffed when I had to have an emergency MRI because mine had been overlooking the results from blood tests (which they had insisted I have to get repeat prescriptions) for 5 years. I changed GP after that. Not that I expect the new lot to be any good anyway. The only notification of a medicine review from them so far is that their pharmacist will be doing a telephone consultation next week.


This sort of thing really makes me fear for correct treatment by GPs.

Yesterday, Marge attended the GP for a blood test which had been arranged by them, only to be told that the test did not appear on their records.
Marge showed the receptionist the reminder email on her phone and the receptionist was struck dumb.

Not to be put off, Marge insisted that the test should be done, and gave genuine clinical reasons for that.  We waited about twenty minutes while the receptionist spoke to the only doctor on duty at that time.

The eventual outcome was that the GP would give her a telephone call the following week.
(Unfortunately, they don't seem able to do blood tests over the telephone!)

Not only are GPs almost impossible to see in person but some, or at least their staff, are apparently incompetent.

The same day (yesterday) we applied to be moved to a different GP practice, which does seem to have far better independent reviews.
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire


I never see the same doctor.. heaven knows who my doctor is.. Thank goodness I am reasonably fit for an oldie.. and my visits are just yearly checkups..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


The last couple of times I've seen a GP has been on the Livi app. On both occasions it resulted in referrals for Dupuytren's and both times I've used patient choice to use a local private hospital rather than the local NHS one. That way you at least get treated like a human being rather than a nuisance and get to talk to the bloke who will later be wielding the knife. Not sure when the second op will be but the first wasn't overly delayed.

I haven't seen anybody at all at the new GP I swapped to early this year apart from reception when I joined them and got the internet account set up so I can order repeat prescriptions online. They have booked me a telephone medicine review with their pharmacist though. No idea if they'll want any physical checks or blood.


I have not seen a GP in nearly four years , despite having four appointments this week at the hospital with four different departments.
The problem with being retired is that you never get a day off


That must be all orifices taken care of  :grin:


Cardiologist,vascular,teeth and stoma nurse.
The problem with being retired is that you never get a day off

Michael Rolls

four different GPs - one twice - so far this year, and I have to ring for an appointment next week. I don't understand it - before he retired about three years, ago I had a regular GP _ Dr. Milne, charming man and if I needed to see him, other than in an emergency, I would phone whenever was convenient and ask for an appointment and get one in a day or two. Now everyone has to phone at 0800 and will get an appointment that day - or at least that has been my experincae, but luck of the draw who you see - seems mad to me
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


I do not know who my doctor is.. I see a different one every time.. I do not know their names.. They are names that are difficult to remember.. Where did  Brown.. White.. Smith.. Jones.. go.. !!
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Even if you remembered I doubt that you could spell most of them. Not sure about the new GP surgery as I haven't encountered any of them yet and long may that last.


They seem to keep the NHS going.. Take a close look at the Doctors/Nurses strikers.. Very few are foreign ..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


It doesn't seem all that long ago that we would just go and sit in the waiting room and the doc would see the next until the room was empty. Now they have staff we have to wait sometimes weeks to see them, or not see them, as the case may be.


Today they have MANY staff.. all busy doing heaven knows what.. and nobody really knowing who's doing what..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


At least half must be to guard the GPs against those damned patients.

November 27, 2023, 09:50:35 AM
Quote from: Scrumpy on November 27, 2023, 08:34:43 AMThey seem to keep the NHS going.. Take a close look at the Doctors/Nurses strikers.. Very few are foreign ..
Certainly not all are brown but there are plenty of white foreeigners in the NHS too

Here's a mix. The last one is a whole gallery of pictures of strikers.
