Started by Michael Rolls, March 25, 2023, 04:28:00 AM

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Best to leave the cooker clock alone if it's anything like the one here. Fiddle with that and you may end up with a delayed start of several hours. Most electric clock/timers are intuitive but not cooker ones for some reason.

Some car clocks set themselves from the radio. My previous one didn't and I don't know if the current one does or not. Sometimes by the time I noticed the old one was wrong it only had a couple of months before it needed doing again so I left it.

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Don't know about cooker clocks as I don't have one but my cars hand book gives clear instructions on how to change it..This is the 6th time I've have to change this cars clock and I never remember. As usual I had to check the book and it only took about 30 seconds.

Michael Rolls

my cooker clock is a nightmary to change - after pressing button after button yesterday, I somehow managed - but don't ask me hoe!
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
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