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Oh deary me.

Started by JBR, November 30, 2023, 07:20:17 PM

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Oh dear.  Marge and I are very upset.
No more Classic Coronation Street.
ITV have stopped showing the series.
Something to do with licences.

We'll just have to live with it.  The current Coronation Street is crap so we shall not bother with that.
Two viewers less for ITV X, so they'll have to live with their adverts not being seen by us any more.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Oh dear..!!  :grin:

I agree..  I haven't watched it for years.. The storylines just got daft and unbelievable.. 
Nothing compared to Ena.. Martha.. and Minnie sitting in the snug putting the world to rights..
So many great characters back then.. We used to look forward to it being on and would all settle down to watch..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I watch Corrie on catch up, so I can shout at the screen !  but it's become a platform for ITV to brainwash viewers.  So far this year we've learned.....
'Gay' is normal,
MND is debilitating and sad, (true but not exactly entertainment)
Rape is devastating,
Anyone can be a murderer, even your uncle
Gambling can easily become an addiction,
All refugees are deserving,
School bullying is rife,
Toy boys will always come a cropper,( no pun intended) :grin:
Taking anti depressants is not a crime,
and several adults can live in one two up two down pad and even grandad arriving from Jamaica has a room !. 

Have I missed anything out ? :grin:  :grin:  :grin:   

The programme was renowned for its northern humour, but its all gone the only thing remotely amusing now are the unbelievable storylines.   Phew ! :cool:


Well I haven't seen any of it for years but from memory despite them all pleading poverty they seemed able to spend a lot of time in the Rovers Return. Wasn't there a cafe too in a mainly residential area?


Quote from: Scrumpy on November 30, 2023, 07:33:23 PMOh dear..!!  :grin:

I agree..  I haven't watched it for years.. The storylines just got daft and unbelievable..
Nothing compared to Ena.. Martha.. and Minnie sitting in the snug putting the world to rights..
So many great characters back then.. We used to look forward to it being on and would all settle down to watch..
I agree.  The present-day one is not worth watching.

The Classic version, although only perhaps 15 or so years old, is (was) still pleasantly lacking in wokery and included some gripping storylines.
Numquam credere Gallicum


I haven't watched it on TV for years ... including Classic Corrie which is loads better. 
I watch it on Youtube. 


Caught tale end whilst flicking through channels..
A black man was moaning to the police that because of his colour he was arrested..  Boring.. Same old story..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..