Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Started by Alex, April 01, 2023, 07:50:34 PM

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I'm sorry .. but I don't think there's a psychiatrists couch with strong enough restraint straps to hold that ...person.

The first video is so aggresive and bolshie.


It is not possible to force anybody to respect another. It is possible to make a law that prevents you from publicly disrespecting them I suppose but that isn't the same thing.

I have no issues with gays although I must admit to having no respect for those who like to be flamboyantly gay with the apparent intent of shocking others. An extrovert gay at a party is no problem and can liven things up and be a lot of fun.

I have no real issues with those poor folk who have some sort of mental need to pretend to be of the opposite sex but again not if they make a big deal of it also with the intent of being shocking.