advertising begging adverts ,.

Started by alfred, June 17, 2022, 08:04:09 AM

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I'm amazed  that as i watch the T.V the never ending begging adverts for just about everything in the world still  keeps being shown ,and yet this country has many problems with housing ,finding places for refugees, and any person wishing to live in the u.k 

Then were told by some adverts how much we can pay , send, £10.00 £20.00 and so on  some people being thrown onto the streets by some unscrupulous landlords, and of course many people pensioners included all struggling to pay bills to either eat or heat , many people worried for many reasons ,and others trying to feed them selves via food banks ,( and this is the 21st century)

and yet more and more adverts  are constantly shown , what ever happened to charity begins at home , over many years the u.k had helped many countries and for many reasons , so why do the people who bombard us with never ending begging adverts think there's a bottomless pit and that we can simply cough up  money simply by advertising , 

isn't it time to ban  these adverts especially in present climes considering people have enough to contend with , as they manage juggling with day to day events on how they are going to survive ,

Q do you think begging advertising programmes should be banned especially as were almost in a recession ,
what are your thoughts and will you share them with us, 


The charity tactics I ind most obnoxious are pestering known payers to one charity with begging letters from others. I forget the details but recall these tactics lead to problems and possible the death of one old lady a few years back. Those with better memories than mine may recall more.

The other thing I'll never sign up for are the chuggers

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?

Michael Rolls

I used to support Cancer Research with a standing order. Got a bit peeved with a succession of phone calls trying to get me to increase the sum. Finally got a bit fed up with a young man - asked him how much he contributed to charities and why he felt he had to the right to imply that I wasn't being generous enough. Told him that if I had one more telephone call from them I would cancel the SO altogether. Needless to say, one month later I had a call from a young woman with the same message. Told her that was it - the moment I put the phone down I was canceling the SO - and I did so. That was some five years ago - the SO was only £20 a month, but their greed has cost them some £1,200 or so. Foot in receipt of bullet.
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Tv adverts must cost a few bob too !
I'm most irritated by charities I already donate to, asking for more money. OK it may not be £20 a month, but a few quid spread over 3 or 4 charities works for me and I resent being asked for more..


I have my doubts about how much of the donated money actually gets to where it should.  I used to volunteer in a charity shop which supported a children's hospice as I felt happier about that.


I have acted many times in the position of Executor for late friends. Two left everything to Charites only, split many ways and all multi national big TV spenders. The harassment I got from the last administration resulted in me giving up the office. They lacked the common manners and decency for Probate to be granted during Covid. Most of that time the Civil Service were on a 2 year part time work from home furlough and the Charity 'workers'  never left me alone, ringing from 8am till 9pm from their homes! 'Mind' were the worse, dreadful people. My old pal whose Estate was in question, would have concurred with my action. In the end the Office of the Official Solicitor' had to take it on, and they'd also gone fishing. It's still not resolved yet and the bill will be frightful. Had they left me in peace they would have had a lot more money and much quicker!

I'm leaving 'endowments to two animal welfare trusts locally'. Decent people who I know and trust! Thats it, nothing for the commercial greed of BigChar!
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


I don't have any direct debits for charities.. I think I am a fairly generous person but I loathe the thought of them at the top with big pay packets when so many offer their time for free.. 
I give to the collector/ beggar in the street only if the mood takes me..  I can never refuse local animal care and rescue..
I would hate any charity to ask me to. 'Up the stakes' ..That is when I would stop..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I've had these wretched people on at me in the past. I think they're known as 'Chuggers'. I promptly cancelled all mine I'm afraid and wrote to their chairmen to explain my reasoning.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Quote from: Cassandra on June 21, 2022, 03:17:41 PMI've had these wretched people on at me in the past. I think they're known as 'Chuggers'. I promptly cancelled all mine I'm afraid and wrote to their chairmen to explain my reasoning.

Did you get an answer? 😉 😁


Probably not.. He was busy relaxing on his  yacht ..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Raven on June 21, 2022, 04:33:35 PMDid you get an answer? 😉 😁
Quote from: Raven on June 21, 2022, 04:33:35 PMDid you get an answer? 😉 😁

Yes it was a 'bumper fun book' one from Mind, typical in it's wokey virtue signalling way. Pointing out how many people were glad to be 'jogged' into realising they'd had a payment going since Noah was a boy and were sometimes embarrassed at not increasing the amount per month. They of course were there to help, their only interest being in maintaining the high quality of 'Mind's' commitment (cont'd page 96) yawn!

The others didn't even acknowledge my messages and letters at all.

June 22, 2022, 02:32:22 PM
Quote from: Scrumpy on June 21, 2022, 04:39:18 PMProbably not.. He was busy relaxing on his  yacht ..

June 22, 2022, 02:31:11 PM
Quote from: Scrumpy on June 21, 2022, 04:39:18 PMProbably not.. He was busy relaxing on his  yacht ..

I should point out that I don't have a yacht, but I do collect the inference.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Ahh!! But I bet the Chairman has one..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..