Decisions.. decisions..

Started by Scrumpy, June 11, 2024, 09:18:40 AM

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After listening to the Neil Oliver thread that Raven put up it has me wondering about the covid jab..

I want to stop having the covid jab.. I am always tired since having it and I am sure my body doesn't like it..
 BUT.. I have been instilled with fear at not having it and catching the terrible.. Potential... Killer..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I packed up getting them when I realised that it doesn't stop you catching it, doesn't stop you spreading it when you do and the two natural covid infections I've had so far were no worse thatn a cold while the government are paying out millions to those harmed by them. Two jabs of the now withdrawn AstraZenka, one booster of the Pfizer one where the test results were falsified and two natural infections. I'll take my chances and hope there is no lasting harm from the jabs I did get.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Huh.  Don't talk to me about vaccines, Klondike!

I, too,  had the AstraZeneca jab, and as you say, it has the UK and quite a few other countries won't use it any more.   

I only ever had that first one,  as the effect I had frightened me.   Within a couple of hours of having it,  I  suddenly felt nauseous,  couldn't focus, the room was spinning, and I collapsed.   I got carted off in an ambulance.

This happened 5 times and the worst was once as I fell,  I hit my head on the freezer door and knocked myself unconcious.   Luckily a friend got an ambulance again,  but it really frightened me.

I had problems on/off for over 2 years.   At the hospital over all this time, I've had 3 Consultants very quietly agreeing it was the vaccine,  and 2 GP's -  one who has written many times to the proffesion's medical journals!   17 of these attacks I've had to date.

I've had so many tests,  scans,  MRI's,  prescriptions,  but they can't find why,  but after it starting within hours of that pesky vaccine,  I have no doubts in my mind what has been causing it.

I also would like to know the truth about why this particular vaccine was suddenly withdrawn.
I am utterly convinced that the mad scientists and the government know far more about this than they dare say,  because of coughing up for compensation claims.

I have a very interesting link I could show you,  I will see if I can find it . . . . .


I have made up my mind not to have any more Covid Jags too. Like Scrumpy said, I have been tired, a lot more tired than I should have been these last few years. I had put it down to getting older, but now I'm not so sure. I wonder too about the Flu Jag, do you all still get that?


Found the video I wanted to show you.   Have a look,  it's interesting.
 I hope the link works.


I think the AstraZeneka vaccine was withdrawn because of problems with it causing blood clots. The others are all MRNA vaccines which is a new technology and there are none for anything that have gone through the full trial cycle and achieved a full certification. All are on temporary licences.

I had no ill effects at all that I know of from any of my COVID jabs.

I do know that at least one of those giving the jabes expected them to give protection from infection as one of the nurses involved in my movement through the process for my first jab made a comment I now don't recall but clearly indicated she thought that as did probably everybody else getting them. It was only after it became apparent that they didn't prevent infection that the story changed to reduce severity and I seriously doubt there is any evidence of that as the testing was all done on the hurry up. It's clear that AstraZeneka was botched as it is now withdrawn and documented that Pfizer falsified results.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Strange you should mention blood clots, when I was in hospital after that bad fall I had, I was given a load of tests, one came back saying I had a blood clot. A small one but a blood clot all the same I was put on pills to dissolve it and had to take them for 3 months.
It was the Astra Zeneka vaccine I had been given


The flu jab is old tried and trusted. As it has to be produced before the flu season and is based on best guesses of which flu strains will be prevalent it's effectiveness varies from year to year. I've had flu once and that was enough to convince me that any way of avoiding it is worth trying. It is a killer of the old and infirm and can be very nasty for anybody.

Covid, on the other hand, pretty much only killed the old with pre-existing problems. I used to pull down and graph ONS and NHS stats and it was clear as day from them that the lockdowns didn't work (usually called after the peak of each wave) and were pretty much unnecessary. Far better had they followed the advice from the Great Barrington Declaration and protected the vulnerable and let the rest get on with their lives.

The way COVID was (mis)handled screwed the economy and has left debt my grandchildren will still be paying when they get their pensions if those are still being paid.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Quote from: Mups on June 11, 2024, 11:06:37 AMFound the video I wanted to show you.  Have a look,  it's interesting.
 I hope the link works.
I've heard the story of these odd fibrous strands being found by undertakers before. I really don't know anything about it as I didn't do any research beyond seeing the story.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


I've had 3 jabs, without looking at my card again I think it was 2 Astra Zeneca and 1 Moderna,  I was scared into having them particularly as I have a history of pleurisy, pneumonia and frequent chest infections but after the third I decided enough was enough.  It normally takes five to ten years to assess if a vaccine is safe sometimes longer, that alone should make us wonder what they were putting in our bodies.

No flu jab for me.  I tried it once and got the flu.  :yell:


Quote from: Alex on June 11, 2024, 11:46:44 AMI've had 3 jabs, without looking at my card again I think it was 2 Astra Zeneca and 1 Moderna,  I was scared into having them particularly as I have a history of pleurisy, pneumonia and frequent chest infections but after the third I decided enough was enough.  It normally takes five to ten years to assess if a vaccine is safe sometimes longer, that alone should make us wonder what they were putting in our bodies.

No flu jab for me.  I tried it once and got the flu.  :yell:

I agree with Alex's comment above.  The whole thing was rushed,  and could not possibly have been tested sufficiently.   
The vaccine makers must have made more money than they ever dreamed of.

Trouble is,  it the whole thing was rammed down our throats 24/7,  on telly, radio and newspapers.  The fears they put into folk was relentless. 
We had -  Don't go out,  you must wear masks, don't visit dying friends/family, weddings and funerals all changed,  medical appointments became telephone only,  etc etc, they put the fear of God into people,  and so they literally queued up to have the vaccine.

I remember one bloke kept saying  that those people who refused the jab were selfish,  and irresponsible.  I thought to myself then,  well if he has that much faith, and  as long as he's had his,  what's he worried about?

People must make up their own minds,  and not feel forced into it against their will.

In spite of my reaction being entered on my medical records, plus recorded officially on the Yellow Card system,  they are still trying to push me into having more Covid jabs,  Influenza, Shingles, Pneumonia, Tetanus . . . what would that cocktail of drugs do to my immune system I wonder?   Does it strengthen it - or weaken it?   

To me its like the Flu vaccines in the way that the bug changes every year, so the vaccines have to be tweaked to fit the newest strain.  It's not foolproof, because by the time the vaccine has reached the pharmacy counter,  it's probably changed again.

It's similar theory to the animal vaccinations.  Some of the newest Lepto vaccs have been killing Puppies!

 Three different  hospital Consultants told me they had seen many other patients who reacted badly too.

I believe that no one pill fits all,  yet we are all expected to have the same vaccines, and I think its perfectly  logical to believe we will all react differently.  Some will be fine,  others won't. 


Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?