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Started by klondike, October 04, 2023, 02:20:19 PM

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Michael Rolls

absolutely agree - wretched woman
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


It seems that although the MPs declared faith in their chosen one the public apparently haven't....

Major Rishi Sunak blow after HS2 fall-out derails Tory conference polls bounceback

EXCLUSIVE: A new poll has revealed that Labour's lead over the Conservatives has increased after the Tory conference in Manchester.

Rishi Sunak has suffered a major blow after a weekly tracker poll revealed his party failed to get a bounce in popularity from its conference - but instead saw Labour extend its lead.

According to this week's Techne UK findings, the Conservatives lag 19 points behind Labour - with 26 percent to their 45 percent.

The result from interviews with 1,635 voters means the Tories dropped a point in the last week when they would have been hoping to make a gain from the publicity surrounding the conference in Manchester.

But after the conference was dominated with rival factions and MPs on the right issuing demands on tax cuts and other policies, as well as a a row over the cancellation of High Speed 2's northern leg to Manchester, the Conservative recovery apears to have been derailed.

For three of the four previous weeks, the Tories had gained on Labour narrowing the lead by three points.


Apologies for being rather repetitive, but almost everything I read these days suggests that the British people are blissfully only aware of the Labour and Conservative parties.

I'm sure they'll keep voting for one or the other, and then the one they didn't vote for last time, and then wonder why things never improve!  🙄
A missionary from Yorkshire to the primitive people of Lancashire


Ready for when the election is announced...