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Started by Sheila, June 08, 2022, 10:17:32 AM

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Does anyone remember Maisie Walker?  I came across her on a knit and natter site, telling a funny story, so gave her the address of this forum.  Maybe she will join us and repeat her story.


No I don't remember her.  :hmm:


I remember Maisie..  MAYWALK.. What a lovely character .. and what  great stories..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Is this the lady who wrote her wartime stories?  They were wonderful and so interesting, lets hope she joins us.


I recall the id (presumably from PF) but no detail.

Are transvestites Roberts in disguise?


Someone put on knit and natter (facebook) that Maisie has been in hospital for a while.  I hope she is ok.
Maybe Scrumpy is in touch with her.


I hope she is.  She was one of our oldest members I believe.  I see Jacq posted above, she's been MIA for a while. 
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


I am sad to hear that Masie is in hospital.. Such a wonderful lady..
I am not in touch with Masie ..

Those that have been in touch in the past were those asking me about this site..
I haven't heard from Beanie for many months.. she was very poorly.. 
Our lovely Alfred, who kept the new topics rolling , was also going through treatment.. I haven't heard from him either..

Best wishes to Maisie.. x
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I do remember Maisie, she posted some great stories about her life.  Hope she finds her way back here one day, well you never know !

There have been some great characters on the Mother Ship !