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Started by Alex, April 18, 2024, 10:06:41 PM

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FRANCE It's depressing really, but it's not just here  Today two schoolgirls were stabbed in France, one was 6 the other 11, thankfully they've alive.


Quote from: Alex on April 18, 2024, 10:06:41 PMFRANCE It's depressing really, but it's not just here  Today two schoolgirls were stabbed in France, one was 6 the other 11, thankfully they've alive.
I don't suppose such events have increased following the enormous recent increase in 'visitors' from the third-world?
Certainly, we have many, but I think that France also has many, presumably awaiting a rubber dinghy.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Unwanted foreign visitors are in many countries.. USA.. Australia.. 
 and most of Europe.. 
We don't know the half of it..
So many killings and stabbings since they invaded other countries..
They care not because they reckon they are all mental.. So they get the soft treatment.. 

It is laughable that we , a once great nation, cannot fight off a rubber dinghy ..
Our lifeboats spend their time rescuing and helping them.. I do not give to the lifeboat charities anymore.. I'm not paying towards their safe arrival..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Me neither, we have 2 animal charities up here that we give to.



Quote from: Scrumpy on April 19, 2024, 08:44:05 AMUnwanted foreign visitors are in many countries.. USA.. Australia..
 and most of Europe..
We don't know the half of it..
So many killings and stabbings since they invaded other countries..
They care not because they reckon they are all mental.. So they get the soft treatment..

It is laughable that we , a once great nation, cannot fight off a rubber dinghy ..
Our lifeboats spend their time rescuing and helping them.. I do not give to the lifeboat charities anymore.. I'm not paying towards their safe arrival..

But we could if only we had a strong government which wishes to preserve our nation.

Labour is likely to take the reins this year, and it appears that they are even more happy to invite in invaders than the Conservatives.

And yes, it is other countries being affected too.  It appears to be a long-planned, world-wide muslim plan to expand and eventually conquer the entire world.
I suspect that China will be the very last to fall.
Numquam credere Gallicum


The UK has terminal cancer. Immigrants (all types - 774,000 legals alone last year!) have already done their damage and are 'breeding' the country out of breathing space.

I just want to see the Tories eviscerated this year. Starmer will be like the plague after the holocaust, frightening even to think about, good job I'm 78, 4,000 miles away and sitting near the exit!

As 'Batty' so brilliantly said in the final scene of 'Bladerunner' (1982) "Time to Die" as his allotted Android span elapsed out!

See here

My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Quote from: Scrumpy on April 19, 2024, 08:44:05 AMOur lifeboats spend their time rescuing and helping them.. I do not give to the lifeboat charities anymore.. I'm not paying towards their safe arrival.
The Civil Service pay, or used to in my day, for several lifeboats including buying them & paying for the running costs.

I was our area collector at one time but I haven't contributed to the RNLI for some time now.

It's also high time that manslaughter was dropped as an alternative charge to murder when gullible psychiatrists get hoodwinked by killers.

Have you noticed how these so-called schizophrenic killers are sane enough to argue that their thought processes were diminished & they never hear these, in my opinion, non-existent voices telling them to plead guilty to murder & to ask to do a whole life sentence in Belmarsh.

As I've said before, not one single psychiatrist has heard a voice in someone else's head.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


Quote from: Cassandra on April 19, 2024, 03:09:03 PMThe UK has terminal cancer. Immigrants (all types - 774,000 legals alone last year!) have already done their damage and are 'breeding' the country out of breathing space.

I just want to see the Tories eviscerated this year. Starmer will be like the plague after the holocaust, frightening even to think about, good job I'm 78, 4,000 miles away and sitting near the exit!

As 'Batty' so brilliantly said in the final scene of 'Bladerunner' (1982) "Time to Die" as his allotted Android span elapsed out!

See here

'Terminal cancer' is a very good description of what my country has developed.

Apart from how things are now, and how they are becoming worse, I would never have dreamed of such a description at the turn of the new millennium, or even after Bliar and Brown had done their bit.

No.  Things seem to have deteriorated to an enormous extent over the past 24 years of Conservative government.  Of course, since Cameron took charge, that political party has been effectively Liberal rather than Conservative.  Sunak even invited him in again recently by the back door.  I admit to stupidly voting for them in the last general election.  Never again.

As the situation, especially the ongoing invasion, continues apace, I'm afraid I can see no solution in the forthcoming years.  How very sad.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Who'd have thought ten years ago, even 5 years ago "  we'd be sitting here discussing these problems  ?  I think Cass you got out at the right time :upvote:


I suppose it depends on what part of the US a person lives..  They certainly have big problems with foreign invaders.. Mexico being one of them.. Muslims  another.. 
Because it is a big country there is always some place to get away from it all..

Australia is a big country.. but they are getting in there.. at a fast rate..

Where I live it seems fine.. But I'm not stupid enough to think it will be fine for ever..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on April 20, 2024, 08:35:29 AMWhere I live it seems fine.. But I'm not stupid enough to think it will be fine for ever..

It's the same up here, very few if any. We do have a few Chinese Families and they all have chip shop connections.
Personally I think it's far too cold for them here, and they scuttle away further south, I believe Inverness has them though.
A few years back some settled on one of the islands out west and they didn't like it at all, no idea if they are still there.......Or not.
Island Culture is very strong and would not bend to suit another one, coming from Mull I know that very well.


Quote from: Raven on April 20, 2024, 09:12:28 AMIsland Culture is very strong and would not bend to suit another one, coming from Mull I know that very well.

You are so right.. They wouldn't go down well at our Co-op either...
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Alex on April 19, 2024, 08:43:55 PMWho'd have thought ten years ago, even 5 years ago "  we'd be sitting here discussing these problems  ?  I think Cass you got out at the right time :upvote:
I have predicted before that this invasion is now unstoppable.
The Conservatives have done nothing.
Labour will invite in even more.
Reform would begin to turn this round, but unfortunately insufficient people will vote for them.

To make matters worse, it is not just the UK.
The new millennium has seen the beginning of muslim expansion throughout the West.  It is as if this has been planned for many years and suddenly, a few years ago, the shout went out throughout all muslim nations that the time has come for the long-predicted expansion throughout the world.

Naturally, they first invade the weak and accommodating western countries and the easiest, at least initially, are those directly accessible from the Middle East: Europe and the UK.
Surprisingly, they are also trying their luck in the US.  Probably something to do with the present president!
Numquam credere Gallicum


All this reminds me of the poem from that film "The Omen" it made me uneasy when I first saw the film years ago, and I've never forgotten it.
It makes me feel a lot more uneasy now.
I know the poem is about the anti christ, but what's going on now is far too close IMO.

When the Jews return to Zion
and a comet rips the sky
and the Holy Roman Empire rises
then you and I must die."

"From the eternal sea he rises
creating armies on either shore,
turning man against his brother
'til man exists no more."