The transgender takeover continues

Started by klondike, March 31, 2023, 09:36:53 AM

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Children Allowed to Self-Declare Gender at Nearly Half of Schools

Nearly half of secondary schools are allowing children to self-declare their gender without parental consent, an investigation has found. The Telegraph has the story.

Downing Street is being urged to intervene by MPs and peers in light of the findings.

Freedom of Information requests to more than 300 state secondary schools in England have found that 40% are allowing children to self-declare their gender.

The research, by the think tank Policy Exchange, also found that more than 30% of schools are failing to inform their Designated Safeguarding Lead when a child wishes to change gender.

The report claims that the practice of affirming a child's feelings of "gender distress", where a child thinks there is a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity, has become "embedded within the classroom, meaning secondary schools are effectively facilitating medical interventions on site".

Nadhim Zahawi, the former education secretary, said: "This Policy Exchange report marks an important contribution to the growing body of evidence demonstrating that urgent attention needs to be paid to the ways children are being impacted by gender identity beliefs."

Baroness Morris of Yardley, a former Labour education secretary, said: "Children deserve to be kept safe and action is now urgent."

According to the report, only 28% of schools said that they would reliably inform a parent as soon as a child disclosed they were questioning their gender.

The investigation also found that 28% of schools do not have single-sex toilets, while at least 19% are not maintaining single-sex changing rooms.

Schools have been waiting for almost a year for new transgender guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) to help them navigate a rise in the number of pupils who say they want to change their gender identity.

Civil servants started working on the guidance last April when Mr Zahawi was in charge of the department. However, work on the guidance has stalled under a succession of new leaders and is now due to be published "later this year", according to the DfE.

Original in Telegraph this post content grabbed from

The more I see these days the more I fear we are well past the country's best before date

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Quote from: Michael Rolls on March 31, 2023, 09:59:46 AMhow utterly, totally bloody stupid!
Ok, I'm a self-confessed conspiracy theorist, or realist, take your pick.

All this change in society has come about far too fast for it to be a natural occurrence or a coincidence.

My view is that it's deliberately planned & implemented social engineering by the New Order, which is intended to remove all the social norms that have been the glue that has kept the basic structure of our society together since prehistoric days when there were cavemen & cave women with no cave persons.

Once this formerly well-structured society starts to fall apart & people don't know what's what any more, the door is then open for the New Order to control a population that no longer knows what's right & what's wrong, what can be said & what can't be said etc.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]

Michael Rolls

can't disagree with that, Phil. Every facet of modern life seems to have accepted norms challenged, dismissed and where possible overturned
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Quote from: Michael Rolls on March 31, 2023, 10:27:12 AMcan't disagree with that, Phil. Every facet of modern life seems to have accepted norms challenged, dismissed and where possible overturned
Well, although we probably don't give it much thought, a stable structured society provides a feeling of security & safety.

Any of us with pets know full well that one of the most important things is to provide our pets with a well established routine & boundaries & that disruptions to the routine can cause the animal to suffer from stress & anxiety.

This stress & anxiety is what the New Order is imposing on us.
Make every day count, each day is precious.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
[email protected]


I suspect it's a passing fad.  Have seen these come and go throughout my time in schools.

One person has asthma, then half the school has it.

One person has ADHD, then nearly every naughty child has it

One person has peanut allergy, next thing the school is littered with epipens.

It'll pass and settle back down to a realistic level in due course.


Oddly enough the next story in my newsletter comes to a similar conclusion to Diasi's. I didn't post it as most here probably reckon I'm far too much of a conspiracy theorist (aka loon)  already.

Orwell's Dystopian Vision is Coming True

George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984, in which the all-powerful party led by 'Big Brother' controls every aspect of citizens lives, was written as a warning to his readers. As CliffNotes explains:

Orwell wanted to be certain that the kind of future presented in the novel should never come to pass, even though the practices that contribute to the development of such a state were abundantly present in his time.

Inevitably, what he predicted has come to pass and it is affecting all our lives. I also see signs that another dystopian novel, Aldous Huxley's Brave New World, is beginning to come true.

Earlier in the year, we became aware of the existence of sensitivity readers. For example, if anything intended for publication does not comply with what the trans activists believe, they change it. Now they are trawling through published works and doing the same. The first author targeted that came to wide public attention was Roald Dahl, as his classic children's novels were rummaged through for offending words and phrases. In Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Oompa-Loompas were changed to "small people" and Fantastic Mr. Fox's three sons were changed to three daughters. This is what Winston – the main character in 1984 – had to do for the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth: he had to rewrite historical documents so that they matched the constantly changing party line.

Dahl's books are for children, and it suggests that those driving this agenda believe that getting this 'new content' into children's brains at an early age will ensure they will conform to the latest thinking and become what those in power want them to become. This is not unlike Aldous Huxley's vision in Brave New World. Huxley described a dystopian future where children were brainwashed as babies into thinking whatever the leadership wanted them to think. Children were given flowers and books to hold and then they would be given an electric shock to ensure they developed an "instinctive hatred of books and flowers" and become the good little workers the state wanted. We are seeing a very mild form of this, but if this gets worse then children will have less choice as to what they can believe, think or enjoy.

Thoughtcrime is another of Orwell's conjectures that has come true. When I first read 1984, I would never have thought that this made up word would be taken seriously; nobody should have the right to ask what you are thinking. Obviously, nobody can read your mind and surely you could not be arrested simply for thinking? However, I was dead wrong. A woman was arrested recently for silently praying in her head and, extraordinarily, prosecutors were asked to provide evidence of her 'thoughtcrime'. Needless to say, they did not have any. But knowing that we can now be accused of, essentially, thinking the wrong thoughts is a worrying development. Freedom of speech is already under threat, but this goes beyond free speech. This is about free thought. Everybody should have a right to think what they want, and they should not feel obliged or forced to express certain beliefs or only think certain thoughts.

It is hard to understand why we are entering a world where most of Orwell's predictions are becoming real and we are beginning to see Huxley's predictions become real too. Worryingly, we are heading in that direction and, with some exceptions such as the Free Speech Union, few people seem to be concerned. Nothing good is going to come from this and it is making the world a more dangerous place in which to live. I want to live my life how my parents and grandparents lived theirs and I hope other teenagers want the same. I loved 1984, but I sometimes wish now that Orwell did not write it; it seems to have become a manual and not just a novel.



Quote from: dextrous63 on March 31, 2023, 10:50:25 AMI suspect it's a passing fad.  Have seen these come and go throughout my time in schools.

One person has asthma, then half the school has it.

One person has ADHD, then nearly every naughty child has it

One person has peanut allergy, next thing the school is littered with epipens.

It'll pass and settle back down to a realistic level in due course.
I really hope so.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


It isn't very passing for young boys with their nads removed and man boobs or young girls with newly formed dangly bits and no boobs.


Quote from: klondike on March 31, 2023, 11:06:58 AMIt isn't very passing for young boys with their nads removed and man boobs or young girls with newly formed dangly bits and no boobs.
Horrific! Glad the grandchildren seem to be happy as they are, hope they stay that way.
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


I can well see the loose leaf history books of the future telling us that Marc Bolan drowned.


Quote from: klondike on March 31, 2023, 11:06:58 AMIt isn't very passing for young boys with their nads removed and man boobs or young girls with newly formed dangly bits and no boobs.
I suppose one could argue that these people are less likely to be able to produce their own children and that the (possibly deformed) genetic line will thus come to an end.  Darwinism in action?


And so it will come that no pram blanket covering a newborn child will be a block colour of BLUE or PINK...  They will be multi coloured..
 No more will we look at a baby and 'Coo'   'Isn't she adorable'.. 'Isn't he a handsome child'..
When throwing a  'What was it party' !! There will be no pink balloons.. nor blue..
Gifts for the newborn will be ...  WHAT..?

And the school prom will be a guessing game of  'Who is WHO'..
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


I can't help thinking that kids think it's 'cool' to be trans, they're being helped along by parents who also think it's trendy to have a trans gender child. 
When you look at anorexia, body dysmorphia and other eating disorders, kids would look in the mirror and see a fat person but they weren't at all fat, it was a mental disorder. 

A small percentage of would be trans kids may be genuinely in the wrong body and I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but imho the majority just need help from mental health experts.


What they don't need is encouragement from their teachers without their parents even being told.