Wales goes back to 30MPH

Started by Alex, April 21, 2024, 10:36:44 PM

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Quote from: klondike on April 22, 2024, 07:06:47 PMThe stated objective is to reduce injury to pedestrians in the event of a collision which is less when hit at 20 than at 30. That doesn't consider that if a pedestrian stepping into the road is seen the vehicle will be breaking and may even have stopped - well unless they were not noticed as the driver was forever checking the speedo to avoid a fine.
Perhaps if they hadn't changed the Highway Code so that pedestrians still had to bother to look before they crossed a road (as it used to be), there would be fewer collisions.


Quote from: dextrous63 on April 22, 2024, 07:50:54 PMPerhaps if they hadn't changed the Highway Code so that pedestrians still had to bother to look before they crossed a road (as it used to be), there would be fewer collisions.
I was unaware that they had changed the Highway Code wording, so I had a look.
The Green Cross Code, as found in the Highway Code, is a very protracted list of what one must do before even thinking of crossing a road.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if most people never bother to read it.

Then again, I suppose that the 'common sense' thing we used to have has long since been surpassed by a complex collection of rules and regulations which, for some reason, have now become essential for life in this country.
Numquam credere Gallicum


Quote from: Alex on April 21, 2024, 10:36:44 PMTHe Welsh Government is at last holding their hands up, they got it wrong.  Roads where the 20mph was enforced will revert to 30mph, apart from sensible places like schools, hospitals and estates.  Not all good news though as Useless Yousaf is ensuring Scotland will have 20 mph limit by 2025

Daily Mail

The singular nastiest little dictator from all the overgrown socialist fall-out stasis was Mark Drayford. Thankfully his time is past within the 4 year Reich that is modern Wales.

Even 'Useless' up in Scotland has had to cancel his great 'Nett Zero' project. The SNP and their Welsh alternates all need frontal lobotomies.
My little Dog - A heartbeat at my feet ...


Well if common sense is finally coming back to Wales, and even Scotland, perhaps there is also some hope for the rest of us in England.

Unfortunately, I seem to have heard that Labour is coming back to run the country this year.  Ho-hum.
Numquam credere Gallicum


You missed the letter "i" out JB😉

Michael Rolls

Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Our road, a residential, parked both sides, hill (like lots of streets here) is 20 mph.  Most people manage it, there's just the odd idiot who batters down it.   
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


On a roads such as that I'm not surprised. I doubt that the 20mph sign makes any difference as most sensible drivers would be doing 20 or less anyway. In Wales it was a blanket change of 30mph limits to 20mph and somewhere close to half a million signed a petition to reverse that. 


It was crackers in Wales.  The problem round here is that our road isn't quite as narrow as some of the others, so the idiots prefer it as they don't have to slow down! Most drivers do, as you say, because of the conditions.  It wasn't so bad when it was full of potholes, but since it was resurfaced.... 🏎�🏎�
Its not how old you are, but how you are old. 💖


IMO there is little problem keeping to any sort of limit when the road itself dictates what is a safe speed. The problem comes when a limit is imposed which may be applicable at certain times but isn't at others as keeping an eye on a speedo takes it off the road. I like to drive with a satnav running that beeps if you exceeed a limit and always do for anything other than local journeys as they do seem to like to play the changes with limits and everywhere there are likely to be customers there is a chance of a camera van.

A few miles from me there is a dual carriageway that runs through an industrial estate with numerous businesses having artics going in and out all day. It has a 40 limit. Few would exceed that when the businesses are open as it clearly fits the conditions. On Sundays all the businesses are closed and there is only through traffic. Guess when you see camera vans there.


Heaven forbid that in this day and age of technology, we can't organise variable speed limits and other traffic controlling items (such a staffing lights) which reflect what's actually happening in real-time.  For example, how many of us have sat at red lights despite there being absolutely zero traffic on the other roads at the junction?

Edit... and another thing.  Cones put out where there is no need for them to be there 24/7.  By all means put them in place when someone is physically there doing something, or the road has a hole or is unsuitable for cars to go on it.  But remove them when they're not actually needed.  It would take 5 mins at the start and end of their shifts to do this, and save countless hours of time for drivers by not having the obstacles in the bloody way.


We will eventually. There will be GPS controlled speed limiters in vehicles. Leave bags of room for any overtaking when they arrive.