True or False ?

Started by Alex, March 18, 2023, 10:39:35 PM

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I don't recognise  the person.. Who is it. ?
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Is it not President Zelensky in a smart suit instead of army clothing?


Of course it is.

There are some brain-dead morons who think that the war in Ukraine isn't real & that he's staged it all to get international donations.
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"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal".  (Cassandra)
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Ahhh !   Terrible war..  They certainly need help.. 
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


If Putin isn't stopped at Ukraine where next? The last expansionist dictator in Europe was allowed to get away with it for too long and that resulted in a global conflict. It needs stopping and arming Ukraine is the only viable way to do it. Full NATO involvement could result in the Russians resorting to nukes. Given the poor maintenance of their conventional weapons there is a high chance that most would fail but they do have rather a lot and even if they all went off as soon as they lit the blue touchpaper we'd all get a share of the fallout.


Why don't we see actual war footage on TV ?  All we see is the devastation caused by bombings, no live combat films like in other wars.   You don't have to be a brain dead moron to query what is happening in Ukraine and where is the money going to .


If you want to see some Ukraine war footage type Ukraine war into YouTube.

It's a foreign war and will only get minor coverage here on mainstream news and that will mostly be talking heads rather than war footage. We got next to nothing during the Russian war with Afghanistan either.


Russia Has Suffered 220,000 Casualties in Ukraine So Far, Says UK

Russia's casualties including dead and wounded in what they euphemistically call their "special military operation" in Ukraine is on the road to hitting a quarter-million people, the United Kingdom says.

Huge numbers of Russians are being killed in Ukraine according to "the latest U.S. assessments" shared by British defence secretary Ben Wallace during a press conference on Wednesday, with those lives being sacrificed for "almost no progress whatsoever".

Mr Wallace, who is a former British Army officer and one of the longest-serving ministers in the British government as his close involvement in executing the UK's support for Ukraine in the wake of the Russian invasion has seen him immune to the recent churn of Prime Ministers, said the Russians were "suffering huge casualties for whatever piece of ground they do take".

Speaking alongside the Swedish defence minister after talks in London, Wallace remarked; "The latest U.S. assessments I have seen put casualty figures at 220,000 dead or injured... what that shows is the direction of travel of huge losses of Russians for no gain whatsoever."

While the actual rate of attrition in Russia's war in Ukraine is extremely opaque, Western military estimates are made public from time to time. "Senior U.S. officials" cited by The New York Times three weeks ago put the number of Russian casualties at 200,000.

The Ukraine government regularly published extremely precise figures of the number of enemy personnel and equipment they believe they have taken out, although the degree to which this information is good or manipulated for morale is of course unclear. At the time of publication, Ukraine claims it has "eliminated" 172,340 "Russian occupiers", as well as 3,609 of their tanks.

As the article says that estimate is greater than the Ukrainian claims which can be found here

I'd like to know the estimates of Ukrainian casualties but they don't reveal those. Ashy did mention 250,000 but didn't give a link.