Indiana Jones and the dial of destiny

Started by Michael Rolls, January 24, 2024, 11:57:18 AM

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Michael Rolls

just watched it - absolutely hilarious, well recommended. Mind you, as I pay Prime an annual subscription. I was a more than a bit pissed off to have to watch £4.49 to watch it
Oh. and anyone having problems with Netflix? Yesterday and today it refuses to load
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


No problems with Netflix.

Think you missed a trick Mike.  Indiana Jones film was free until recently on Amazon.


I downloaded it a while ago for free, just haven't got around to watching it yet.


Ah, this new Indiana Jones film on Prime!  We pay for Prime, so I'll have to have a look for it when Marge is out next time.  Not her cup of tea.
Numquam credere Gallicum


I have Prime but it's free up to 4k from the Emporium too so I've downloaded that one


Checking out the download. The start looks the usual fun. Can't figure how they did the young Harrison Ford/Indinna Jones. Can't be old footage so must be computer produced. I had no idea that had become so good. Will probably make it this evening's TV .

Michael Rolls

thoroughly enjoyed it

Netflix was funny Tuesday and Wednesday, refusing to load on the TV but did on the I-pad Thursday morning even though the computer was claiming that there was no internet connection. I've mentioned before that my internet goes down quite often, even though the router has the blue showing. And normal service has retuned to the TV
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


Electrickery things do go odd at times, and just need to be turned on and off at the socket to give them a labotomy and fresh start.

Michael Rolls

I do that with the computers and the router -for some reason never thought of trying it with the TV
Thank you for the days, the days you gave me
[email protected]


The correct way to fix a TV is to slap the top with your hand or if really bad your fist while swearing. How bad the swearing needs to be varies with the frequency. The frequency of the fault that is not which channel you are watching.


I have used this for years to monitor my internet connection...

My Broadband Ping

There is some setup to do to make it work though.

Red lines or blocks from top to bottom indicate outages or router reboots. The one on mine showing at 6pm yesterday (but it's a live graph so may have moved away by the time you look) was when BT allocated me a different IP address so there was a brief break. The green at the bottom is your average ping (response) time and the yellow bits are when it is extra. This can be because you are downloading something or others on your shared connection are (all home connections are shared). Sometimes it's because the router is playing up and rebooting it should clear it although it probably doesn't matter anyway.


I should have listened to Michael!
I found it on Prime, which we pay regularly for as well, and found several methods of paying to watch this.
There is no way I would pay even the smallest subscription after paying regularly for Prime (for Amazon free deliveries as well as the TV channel).
More and more companies are becoming too greedy these days.
There are plenty of other things to watch!
Numquam credere Gallicum


Anyway technology has been winding me up this week.

Issues with new CCTV leading to this review

I returned it and bought it again to retain the option of a no arguments return for refund via Amazon and they sent a different model from the same listing. That was useless too and said it was on the latest firmware but they sent a link to newer firmware. I'll probably keep it as installing all the cameras takes a lot of effort. It comes close to being OK but I'll try for a partial refund to keep it. They did offer £61 (???) to shut me up about the first one.

Then my NAS drive (networked disk). It red lighted on a drive. I ran the inbuilt drives test and it red lighted on two and advised backing up all the data. I found online that Western Digital have been marking disks bad based on age rather than errors. I decided to get another NAS but not WD. That turned up yesterday and I left it overnight copying everything from the old one. This morning I find it has updated its firmware overnight and is now marking all disks good. I decide to keep it running and start moving some stuff from USB disks to it. It red lights the drives again  :yell:

January 26, 2024, 12:34:25 PM
Prime offers stuff free plus stuff they want paying for. I never pay as you can find it all free anyway. I sometimes use downloads of stuff that's free too to save searching later if I don't want to watch til a while later.