A Ripping Yarn.

Started by Vlad, May 29, 2024, 04:06:57 PM

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Dieing hard seems a good way to go. 


Are we all ready? Sitting comfortably? Yes? Then I will begin.....

And so it begins.... the curtains open slowly to the sound of the theme music from 633 Squadron (Good stirring stiff upper lip British stuff)
 A lone British (Hoorah!) Spitfire is seen cruising through the sky over RAF BigoneHill....
 Flight Lieutenant Klondike, known to his friends as Biggles, executes a perfect victory roll over RAF Bigone Hill  rolls his Spitfire right side up, eases back the throttle and banks steeply to port.
The voice of Air Traffic Controller *Dextorious ........crackles in his headphones, 'Welcome back Old Chap, you're cleared for Number Two runway.' Glancing down at the Station windsock, Biggles drops  smoothly to land and taxis smartly over to the maintenance hangar (somewhat similar to a Vlads garden shed but bigger) where his  faithful mechanic Leading Aircraft person Phil .is eagerly waiting for him. ....switches off his  engine and pushes back the cockpit canopy, neatly adjusting its chintz curtains at the same time. 'Wotcha.... Me old ham sandwich,' .....he quips in the vernacular, ' How's are me old cock Sparra?' LAC Phil  grins widely, 'Great, Boss  ' he says, 'Never better, sit's good to see you again and no mistake, Lord love yer, me old Pot Noodle ' (at this point we would ask the reader to imagine the above to be spoken with a Dick Van Dyke cockney accent and applaud the effort put in by Phil  in mastering the cockney accent)

It is 1944 and Britain is facing up to its sternest challenge. After some months instructing new pilots at the Central School of Honourable Behaviour, Flight Lieutenant Klondike is operational once again at his  old station RAF Bigone Hill. Off and on, ......has been there ever since World War One when he  was a Royal Flying Corps Pilot Officer testing Sopwith Camels: he is  still the youngest, bravest, most decorated and least promoted officer in the service though. (thanks for the cheque btw..)

LAC Phil has been with Klondike right through his flying career. He's nearly 82 now but cheerful as ever. His pension (should he ever take it) will be bigger than the Prime Minister's. At his age,......Klondike  allows him a few familiarities, as you might have noticed

Klondike is tempted to go straight to the mess for a pint or two of Old Felonious - the strongest beer north of Harrogate , but duty comes first as always. Instead, he  reports to the station's co, wing commander..... **Granny 'Shortfall' Mac.They are old friends; they exchange greetings and get straight down to business. 'It's bad, ...says Granny Mac 'we're being beaten in the skies. We lost fifteen aircraft and a shedful of luggage from terminal 4 yesterday and the average life expectancy of of a new pilot is down to three quarters of an hour.' Klondike grimaces he  had realised that things were pretty bad but not this bad. 'It's as well i'm here then,' he  says firmly, ' i expect you'll want me to save the day.' (i really love that line!)

* Dex that was your one and only line...get your frock on, you can now be Dexi a buxom bar wench, see how kind I am?

* how Granny'shortfall' Mac darling got her nickname is another story. suffice it to say, she once crash landed a Wellington bomber into  the canteen of a young mans boarding school and she was there for some weeks. 

end of scene 1
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."


Quote from: dextrous63 on Yesterday at 09:11:14 AMHas his back given out again?  We warned him about that when he kept disappearing into the Red Suite of rooms in the b&b ( ie S&M parlour) he owned above a pub he once ran on another site.

Old habits die hard, as they say😬
Ah yes....the Jockeys Nostril a lovely pub...it needs resurrecting on here...
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."


Ooooh, Klondy, your hair's causing jip with my friend's undercarriage.


Great story.. better than tv.. :grin: :grin: :grin:
Don't ask me.. I know nuffink..


Quote from: Scrumpy on Yesterday at 06:33:40 PMGreat story.. better than tv.. :grin: :grin: :grin:
thank you Scrump, the cheque is in the post 😀
"I am in awe of myself. I never know what I will write next."